NHS is changing the process for membership. There are several reasons for implementing these new procedures for NHS membership at SHS. Mainly, we wanted a more objective, succinct process that has concrete qualifications. Names of the students meeting the qualifications and turning in completed forms on time with no excuses will be reviewed by a committee of teachers/administrators. All new members will be tapped in April.
Post 2020 NHS Process
This process will be implemented gradually.*
Junior or Senior
3.5 GPA
2 teacher recommendation forms completed
Community service hours logged while in high school- must have signed log.
Juniors must have 20
Seniors must have 30
List of leadership positions with explanations or a short paragraph explaining how leadership qualities are exhibited.
This must include a signature from the sponsor or coach of the organization
Students with a 3.5 GPA are notified they may apply for NHS
A committee of teachers and/or administrators will use a checklist to make sure all pillars of NHS are obvious in each applicant before they are tapped.