FFA is an organization that does a lot of good around Savannah High School, as well as the community around it. This year the FFA has received the National FFA Living to Serve Grant. 

They applied for the grant last spring and have been awarded it. The Savannah FFA Chapter also had this grant last year. With it, they put up new fences and painted them at the county fairgrounds. This year the FFA is planning on using the money from the grant to educate students and community members about safe driving around farm vehicles. With it they are also providing farmers with flashing lights to attach to such farm vehicles to make them more visible. 

The FFA will be handing out flyers to students as well as hanging up posters around the school and putting up signs at the exits. To help inform the members of the community the FFA want you to know these tips about safe driving around farm vehicles:

  1. Drive Defensively, especially in harvest season

  2. Slow down; to avoid collision start breaking when you see the slow-moving vehicle emblem

  3. Stay back; the DOT recommends to stay around 50 ft back

  4.  Pass Carefully; Pass just like you would any other car

  5. Give farm vehicles a large right of way when going in the opposite direction

  6. Be patient; you don't want to accidently cause an accident because you want to speed by

The FFA hopes that these tips help drivers to make sure they don't get injured on the roads.