Last night the Board of Education voted to move forward with a block S for the official Savannah Savage logo. The option for no mascot was the clear winner in the recent survey done of students, staff, community members, and alumni. District Communications Coordinator, Jess Gillett, will be working with a local graphic artist to finalize 2 versions of the logo - one simple black and gold S and one S featuring claw marks. Anyone interested in donating their talents to this project should contact the district via
almost 3 years ago, Savannah R3
S with four gold claw marks
Congratulation to all the FCCLA members who competed at Regional STAR Event Competition received gold and will be attending State STAR Event Competition at Tan Tar A Resort on March 20-22. Khia Haley and Madi Kessler - National Programs in Action Nadia Watkins - Focus on Children Natalie Whipple and Brooklynne Meade - Nutrition and Wellness Therynn Oliver - Interior Design Lucy Froehlich - Sports Nutrition Kinsley Grissom - Career Investigation
almost 3 years ago, Savannah High School
This is a test of the SR3 emergency alert system. This is only a test. As a reminder, school will resume on Monday, January 10.
about 3 years ago, Jess Gillett
Test Alert
Are you as ready for winter break as we are?!?! No school for students December 22 - January 10. See you in the new year! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family #SR3WinterBreak
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Winter Break Gif
We’re excited to announce we have been selected to participate in the state’s Missouri Postsecondary Advising Initiative, which will place trained advisors into high schools, alongside school counselors, to provide students with individualized college and career support. SHS is among 40 schools statewide selected to participate in 2021-2022. Thanks to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and rootED Alliance for helping us better support our high school students to prepare for lifelong success! We look forward to hiring trained college and career advisors to help our students succeed after high school. Interested applicants should see our website to apply., look for the Work for Us tab. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family #SHS
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Big News! We've been selected to participate in the Missouri Postsecondary Advising Initiative in 2021-22
National Honor Society of Savannah High School held their induction ceremony on Thursday, November 18th. The 24 current members conducted the ceremony, welcoming 37 new members to NHS.
about 3 years ago, Savannah High School
NHS Induction
NHS Induction
NHS Induction
NHS Induction
Tonight's Board of Education meeting will not be live streamed due to technical sound issues.
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Board of Education
Today in Mrs. Dudley's science classes students performed experiments where they learned how water’s temperature and salinity affect its density. And how density differences in the seas cause currents.
about 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Dudleys 1
Dudleys 3
Dudleys 4
Dudleys 2
On Friday we had visitors to all of Mr. Watson's Spanish I and World Cultures classes. All of these visitors currently work at or work with Children's Mercy in some regard. They represent various backgrounds and experiences as well as being bilingual (English/Spanish). Our students here at Savannah were fortunate enough to be able to learn about their language and their culture. Paco Martinez (México) Claudia Zepeda (El Salvador) Paola Hernández (Colombia) Lindsey Malone (USA) Juan Calderón (Venezuela) #SHSProud #WeAreSR3
about 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Spanish & World Cultures classes
Spanish I & World Cultures class
Spanish I and World Cultures classes
Spanish I & World Cultures vistors
SHS Student Council provided a meal to honor the lives, the fight, and the service of Andrew County Veterans. StuCo students served the meal at the American Legion Post 287 in honor of Veterans Day. There was a great turn out, Veterans, guest and students were able to enjoy a delicious meal and time together last night. The students chose the local Pasture Cafe for ordering the meal and the food was amazing! SHS thanks all Veterans for their sacrifice and service!
about 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Veterans Day Stuco
Veterans Day Stuco
Veterans Day Stuco
Veterans Day Stuco
SHS FCCLA members Khai Haley & Madi Kessler partnered with Blooming Branch After School Care for their FCCLA project. They taught children about how to maintain a healthy immune system following the Covid-19 pandemic. They went over hand washing, healthy foods, exercise, and the importance of sleep.
about 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Pic of carrot and pea costume
Reading to kids
Interacting with kids
SHS wants to give a big THANK YOU to Stroud & Associates for bringing coffee, hot cocoa, and donuts this morning for our staff! What a wonderful treat!!!
about 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Stroud & Associates Coffee & Donuts
SHS Student Council will be hosting a dinner for the Veterans of Savannah and Andrew County on November 11, 2021. The meal will be held at the American Legion Post 287 in Savannah, MO. Veterans please feel free to come by anytime between 5pm-7pm for a free meal served by our students!
about 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Veterans Day  Stuco
Here is the link for tonight's district football game.
about 3 years ago, Savannah High School
District Football
Want to be a part of history? Have a great idea for a new SR3 Mascot? Don't wait! The deadline for entries is noon tomorrow!! See our website for a full list of contest rules and an entry form.
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Savannah R-III Mascot Design Contest
In AP Computer Science Principles the students are in the design stage of making an app.
over 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Savannah High School FCCLA attended Region 1 Meeting at Maryville High School on October 13th. While at the meeting members networked with local FCCLA chapters, participated in leadership activities, and heard Darbi Valenti speak about resilience.
over 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Attention SHS Volleyball Fans: Please see the post below.
over 3 years ago, Savannah High School
Mask at the game
Just a reminder that school dismisses 2 hours early today. After school pick up changes must be made before 11 am. Bus Parents: if your child’s drop off is at the pool they will be dropped at 10th and Chestnut today due to parade preparations.
over 3 years ago, Savannah R3
The Homecoming Parade line up has been uploaded! Check our website for all things #SR3HOCO21 Can't wait to see you Friday at 2! #WeAreSR3
over 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Homecoming order of events