Volleyball districts are almost here. They will be hosted at Cameron this year and here are the guidelines for attending these games. We will follow the same MEC spectator guidelines that we have followed all year. With the exception that we will allow any athlete who played volleyball on the freshman through varsity roster and there family even if they are not suiting up for the district tournament. We will require spectators to wear a mask when they are at Cameron High School. Coaches can come to any game but we are going to ask that fans only come when their team is playing.
about 4 years ago, Savannah High School
Congratulations to the Lady Savage Softball team on their 6-4 win tonight over Odessa in the Quarterfinals!! The Lady Savages will take on the winner of Centralia and Blair Oaks on Saturday. Time and place are to be determined.
about 4 years ago, Savannah High School
Softball Quarterfinals
The Lady Savage Softball team will be playing in the State Quarterfinals tonight at Heritage Park Softball Complex 2202 Waterworks Rd, St Joseph, MO 64501. The game will start at 5:00 pm on field 4, all fans are welcome to attend the cost to get in is $7. Please no outside food or drink. The game will also be live streamed at http://www.midvid.com/odessa-high-school/
about 4 years ago, Savannah High School
Softball Quarterfinals
The JV Football game at Smithville will be live streamed tonight on the link below. The game starts at 5:00pm. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/smithville-high-school-smithville-mo Fan guidelines for this game are as follows: - only 2 spectators per participant - please wear masks - please practice social distancing
about 4 years ago, Savannah High School
Congratulations to the Savannah Lady Savage softball team! They are district champions for the second year in a row! Way to go ladies! 🥎🖤💛
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School Activities
2020 softball
The lady Savage softball team will be playing for the district championship today at 1pm in Chillicothe. The game will be live streamed on the link below. https://www.uclicktv.com/single-post/c3d8-championship-chillicothe-vs-savannah
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
The football game against Maryville tonight will be live streamed on the SSN youtube channel tonight. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnamn0_KEqV3oRxbPC9mSbQ?view_as=subscriber
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
The volleyball games will be live streamed tonight at the following link, starting at 4:45pm. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnamn0_KEqV3oRxbPC9mSbQ?view_as=subscriber
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
The district softball game in Chillicothe will be live streamed at the link below. Game time is 5:00pm. Good luck Lady Savages!! https://www-uclicktv-com.filesusr.com/html/8f8b3e_a99db5825c975f3d601fc44de38a516f.html?bfplayvid=201001
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
The district softball game in Chillicothe will be live streamed at the link below. Game time is 3:30pm. Good luck Lady Savages!! https://www.uclicktv.com/single-post/c3d8-mshsaa-4-savannah-vs-5-cameron
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
The football game at Chillicothe will be live streamed at the following link: http://www.midvid.com/game-of-the-week/
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
The volleyball game at Benton will be live streamed at the following link. https://youtu.be/Bv0NMx1WKqc
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School Activities
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
Picture day information
The volleyball games will be live streamed tonight at the following link, starting at 4:45pm. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnamn0_KEqV3oRxbPC9mSbQ?view_as=subscriber
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
Homecoming Coronation and the football game against Cameron will be live streamed tonight on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnamn0_KEqV3oRxbPC9mSbQ?view_as=subscriber
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
To watch the volleyball game tonight, please click the link below. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEF6y1XcSywdJzXFKOr-ow
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
Volleyball Live Stream
For the JV Football game tonight at Central please follow these guidelines, provided by Central. 2 parents per athlete, masks and social distancing required. Parents can park in lot off 25th and Charles. Team will enter through softball field entrance in Aquatic Center Off Noyes.
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
For those wanting to watch volleyball on Tuesday at Lawson, here are the fan guidelines. FALL ACTIVITY SPECTATOR INFORMATION Lawson R-XIV School, community members, and visiting fans, We are excited for School to begin and for Fall activities to take flight here at Lawson. It is our goal to keep our students, staff, and community safe while also enjoying the activities we love. As of today, September 11, 2020, our plan is to allow all fans to watch our fall home athletic contests. This decision is subject to change, based upon guidance we receive from our local Health Department. We do not have control over what surrounding schools choose to do for their home contests. We will communicate with each school and their plans and let you know as soon as possible prior to a contest. Rules for INDOOR Volleyball Contests All spectators will be required to wear face coverings while in the school building. Spectators who do not have face coverings will not be permitted to enter. Families should sit together and social distance from non-family members in the bleachers. The row behind each team's bench will be closed to create additional separation from the players. Rules for all contests Athletes, while not competing, will be required to wear face coverings. All Lawson Employees and essential workers will be wearing face coverings when unable to properly social distance. Concession stands will serve food that is controlled by the server or prepackaged. No buffet style serving, including condiments, will be offered. Fans must social distance while in line for concession stands and eating areas will be spaced out accordingly. Any child not in high school must be accompanied by an adult and remain with the adult throughout the game. Admission: $4 for adults, $3 for students, Senior Citizens with passes will be free. Exact cash would be appreciated. The Lawson R-XIV School District appreciates your cooperation at all of our athletic contests.
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
The football game against Central will be live streamed tonight at the following link. We are still working out the kinks with the audio so please bare with us. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnamn0_KEqV3oRxbPC9mSbQ?view_as=subscriber
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
NEW SCHOLARSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES!!! Check them out on the Counseling Center Website: https://sites.google.com/savannahr3.com/shs-seniors/scholarships
over 4 years ago, Savannah High School
Scholarships 9.23