During the week of November 6 - November 10, the SMS parking lot will be resurfaced. This will be completed in 2 phases; please plan accordingly:
Phase 1: November 6 - November 7
The gym parking lot will be closed for resurfacing.
Drop Off and Pick Up: Enter from the main entrance/west entrance, as per usual. Students will be dropped off at the football practice field. Please use the overflow lane to line up as needed so buses are not blocked from dropping off students (see MAP A).
Phase 2: November 8 - November 9
The front parking lot will be closed for resurfacing.
There are significant changes in Phase 2 that will likely require a detour:
Drop Off and Pick Up: The main entrance will be closed. All parent pick up and buses will only enter from the west (T-Stop) and only exit to the east (town), both using what is usually our main exit (see MAP B).
Before you come to school, please consider MAP C in order to plan your route and ensure that you enter from the west (T-Stop) and exit to the east (town),(see MAP C).
Please keep in mind that these dates are weather permitting and may be subject to change. We will alert you of any date changes as soon as we are aware.
Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we improve our facility for years to come.