It was fantastic while it lasted but unfortunately, there will be no federal funding for universal free school meals this year. All families are encouraged to fill out a free or reduced lunch application. Forms can be submitted to your school or to the district office. See our website for more information:
over 2 years ago, Savannah R3
End of Free meals
More than a meal
Have you registered your student yet? Online registration is a great way to make sure all of your contact information is up to date, sign and view handbooks prior to back to school night, and register for the bus! Keep in mind that registration works best on a computer vs a mobile device. Check our website for more information.
over 2 years ago, Savannah R3
SR3 Online Registration
We have several immediate openings for school custodians. See our website to apply! -- work for us
almost 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Custodian positions open
We have have been made aware of rumors surrounding tonight's middle school dance. No credible threat has been identified but local law enforcement has been contacted and will be present at the middle school this evening.
almost 3 years ago, Savannah R3
The fire alarm at SMS is believed to be a failure in the system - not a real credible fire. Students and staff have been evacuated until we can be certain the building is safe.
almost 3 years ago, Savannah R3
*Update* There was a malfunction with the fire alarm system at SMS. The building has been cleared and students and staff are being allowed to return.
almost 3 years ago, Savannah R3
The fire department is on scene at SMS. At this point, we do not believe there is a fire (just a false alarm). However, students and staff have been evacuated until the building has been checked. More information will be shared once the issue is resolved.
almost 3 years ago, Savannah R3
**Calendar Change** Friday, April 15th will now be a NO SCHOOL day, not a 2 hour early release. Please update your calendars accordingly and plan to enjoy a long weekend! #WeAreSR3
almost 3 years ago, Savannah R3
No School on Friday, April 15th
Bring in your cans this week! Canstruction will take place on Friday, March 18th!
almost 3 years ago, Early Learning Center
All SR3 buses will resume normal routes on Monday, March 14th.
almost 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Just a reminder that buses will be on alternate routes this afternoon.
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Snow Routes
All SR3 buses will be following alternate bus routes on Friday, March 11th. Routes can be found on our website
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
All campuses will be closed tomorrow, March 10th due to the impending weather. All students will continue learning at home with AMI/Snow Day Packets. #SR3FromHome.
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Campus closed Thursday, March 10th
Correction, school will be closed on Monday, March 7th. Enjoy the Snow Day.
about 3 years ago, Jess Gillett
no school Monday March 7th
All SR3 Campuses will be closed today, Feb.2nd due to inclement weather. The district will NOT be utilizing AMI plans. Enjoy your snow day! As a reminder, automated phone calls will not be sent out before 6 am. #SR3SnowDay #WeAreSR3
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Snow Day Wednesday, February 2nd.  No AMI Plan.
SMS will be "Rockin' Through the Decades" next week to celebrate Courtwarming with SHS!
about 3 years ago, Early Learning Center
Courtwarming Days
Thank you to Dr. Kurre and Jess Gillett for coming over to sub at SMS today! We appreciate all of the help!
about 3 years ago, Early Learning Center
District Families - Beginning Wednesday, January 26, 2022, masks will be required on the Amazonia, John Glenn, and SMS campuses for all students and staff members. Due to the number of positive covid cases on these campuses. Per our current SR3 Covid Guidelines, “any campus with over 5% of its population testing positive for COVID-19 will be required to wear masks regardless of vaccination until such a time that positivity rates fall below 5% for at least two weeks.” We hope this mask requirement will be temporary, but having our students learn in person and on campus is our top priority. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Please note that this change only applies to our Amazonia, John Glenn, and SMS campuses.
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
Last night the Board of Education voted to move forward with a block S for the official Savannah Savage logo. The option for no mascot was the clear winner in the recent survey done of students, staff, community members, and alumni. District Communications Coordinator, Jess Gillett, will be working with a local graphic artist to finalize 2 versions of the logo - one simple black and gold S and one S featuring claw marks. Anyone interested in donating their talents to this project should contact the district via
about 3 years ago, Savannah R3
S with four gold claw marks
This is a test of the SR3 emergency alert system. This is only a test. As a reminder, school will resume on Monday, January 10.
about 3 years ago, Jess Gillett
Test Alert