Regular Meetings
All business meetings for the SR3 Board are held at 7:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month at the district office located at 408 W. Market St. in Savannah. All board meetings are live-streamed to the district YouTube channel. Click HERE to view a meeting or to visit the meeting archives.
Minutes and Agendas
Agendas for the regular meeting are available online at 4:00 on Tuesday prior to the meeting date and at the regular meeting. Regular board minutes may be viewed online by clicking the icon to the right of each meeting listed. Minutes are only posted once they have been approved at the following business meeting.

Public Comment during Regular Board Meetings
As outlined in policy BDDH-1, the SR3 Board of Education has established a specifically designated time during the regular business meeting for public comment. Due to time constraints and the need to complete the primary responsibilities of the meeting agenda, the Board cannot respond to public comments during the meeting. At the Board's discretion, the Board, Superintendent, or administrative staff will provide a written response within a reasonable time period.
Signing up for public comment
Patrons who wish to speak about an item on the board agenda may sign up by providing their name and subject of the statement on a comment card available at the entrance of the Board meeting. The sign-up period begins 30 minutes prior to the start of the regular board meeting and closes at the start of the board meeting. Speakers are encouraged to provide the Board with a hard copy of their statement or a short written description of the topic they are addressing. Speakers will be invited to speak in the order they signed up. Those making a statement shall first state their name and group if any, they represent. Speakers will be given the floor for three minutes.
Patrons who wish to be added to the board agenda shall submit their request in writing five business days prior to when the board meeting is published. Each written request shall state the exact nature of the presentation. Requisitions can be submitted to the board secretary in person or via email.
Communicating with the Board
The public comment session during board meetings is not the appropriate forum for addressing individually identifiable student and/or personnel matters. Therefore, due to privacy laws protecting students and employees, comments about these matters should not include personally identifiable information about particular students or employees.
Members of the public, staff, and students are encouraged to utilize established policies and procedures for offering suggestions or addressing concerns and complaints prior to bringing the issue before the board.
Please be mindful that the meetings of the board, including your statements, will be broadcast, and you are responsible for any public comments you make.
If you prefer that your statement not be read aloud, you can also provide a written statement via an email to board members.
Statements will be expected to maintain civility, and the Board President reserves the right to refuse the floor to a patron or statement that uses foul or inappropriate language.
Closed Meetings
The board of education may meet in closed sessions to discuss those items as designated by law.