Requests for the 2025-26 school year will be accepted March 24 - August 1st 

Please keep in mind that requests must be resubmitted yearly


Savannah R3 Schools allow limited transfers at the elementary level. Transfers are typically made to attend either Amazonia or Helena Elementary Schools. Savannah R3 does provide limited transportation to both of these facilities (see item #2 below). Please read the transfer request procedures below and submit the completed In-District Transfer Request Form to the Savannah R3 Central Office.

Savannah R3 Schools In-District Transfer Request Procedures

Students shall attend the building serving the attendance area in which they live. However, the parent/guardian may request an in-district transfer at the elementary school from one attendance area to another. Transfer requests are considered based on the educational needs and interests of the student as well as the educational needs and interests of the students in the sending and receiving schools. Students and families requesting a transfer may be asked to meet with administration at the student’s current school and/or the school in which they wish to transfer to discuss their request.

Transfers may be granted under the following conditions:

1. The staffing and building facilities can accommodate the transfer and are based on available classroom space not overall building enrollment. Therefore, openings will be determined by grade level, allowing open positions for move-in students.

2. If approved, transportation to the school is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. However, beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, the district will provide shuttle services from a predetermined location in Savannah to both Helena and Amazonia Elementary Schools. Parents using the shuttle service are responsible for promptly dropping-off and picking-up their student, in order to maintain the transfer.

3. If approved, parents/guardians must make requests for transfer each year for each student for whom an in-district transfer is sought.

4. A transfer approval does not automatically apply to siblings. Siblings must apply separately for transfers.

5. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

6. Excessive absences or discipline can result in revoking of transfer status.

7. Savannah R3 School District reserves the right to suspend or revoke a transfer approval at any time.