Savannah R3 Closure: March 18, 2020 Update
March, 18, 2020
As we communicated earlier this week, thank you for your flexibility, your patience, and your grace as we’ve navigated our evolving response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your partnership has been invaluable in how we are approaching our actions moving forward.
Because the district made the collaborative decision to close all Savannah R3 schools after Spring Break and through April 3, 2020, we have been preparing plans to continue with some of our services that support you as families and students during this closure.
Our webpage dedicated to COVID-19 information has been updated to include details about learning packets for all of our students as well as food distribution sites for our students: Savannah R-III. This information will continue to be updated throughout the district’s closure, as we are committed to caring for our students socially, emotionally and academically.
We can’t thank you enough for your support and understanding as we navigate these uncharted territories.
Q: How will students who qualify for free or reduced lunch be supported during the closure?
As part of our emergency plan to address the closure of schools, we will provide sack lunches and breakfast for SR3 students. This food is being prepared by highly trained Food Services staff.
Drive-through service meal pick-up will begin Monday, March 23. Meals will be served Monday-Friday from 11 am to 12 pm.
Five distribution zone sites have been established
Minnie Cline Elementary (main drop-off line only)
Savannah High School
Amazonia Elementary
Helena Elementary
John Glenn Elementary
Picking up your Grab and Go meal:
Follow the established pick up/ drop-off line for each site
Please do not exit your vehicle
Place a large sign in your window to indicate the number of student meals needed
An SR3 staff member will bring the meals to your vehicle
Please note:
The contents of the meal will vary depending on product availability.
Meals may include food allergens.
Q: How will students receive supplemental learning supports?
Due to issues of equity and access, we will not provide digital learning opportunities in lieu of in-classroom instruction. We understand this time away from school makes it difficult to keep up with our academic pace and flow of learning.
More information about academic resources will be available in the coming days. For now, we encourage families to enjoy Spring Break.
Please know that educational resources made available are intended to provide support and continue our learning as we are away from our schools during this time. Learning is retained when students consistently practice. The district hopes you enjoy “practicing” while you are home. Thank you for being partners in this work – we appreciate your dedication to helping our students succeed.
Q: Will the District office be open during the closure?
All School Offices as well as the District Office will be closed to the public. However, someone will be available to answer questions via phone Monday - Friday from 8am to noon..
Savannah R3 District Office 816-324-3144
Open 8 am to 2 pm.
Savannah High School 816-324-3128
Savannah Middle School 816-324-3126
Amazonia Elementary 816-475-2461
Helena Elementary 816-369-2865
John Glenn Elementary 816-279-4533
Minnie Cline Elementary 816-324-3915
Q: Will graduation be impacted? What about Prom? MAP/AP Testing?
The district is in close contact with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). There are a number of decisions that need to be made to support our students. More information will be coming as it is made available.
Q: What about Field Trips and other spring activities?
Every effort will be made to reschedule trips and activities as appropriate to do so.
Q: Are all sports, activities, and practices canceled?
Yes, at this time all campuses are closed for any activities, including community gym rentals and usage to minimize the impact of COVID-19