Need help meal planning? We've got Thursday covered! Join us at SHS for the annual Brown Bag fundraiser to help support our competitive drama & debate program. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Ms. Ross is offering an educational travel program to Washington, D.C., for the 2025 Presidential Inauguration held January 18 - 21, 2025. This trip with be available to current freshman or sophomore students. There will be an informational parent/student meeting in the High School Media Center tomorrow, April 25th, from 6 to 6:30 PM. Follow this link for more information:
Join us tomorrow night for our SHS Fine Arts Showcase!!
Don't forget! Lunch balances must be positive as of April 24th, or an alternate lunch will be served. "Leftover" lunch money will automatically be rolled over to the next school year.
Are you ready for a Quarter Auction? Please join us so we can help out the Music Accents from Savannah, Mo., the Marching Savages/Band Parent Booster club. Paddles are $5.00 each at the door, and several great vendors will auction off items as little as .25 cents, .50 cents, and .75 cents. There will be a raffle and bake sale going on too. Come on out and join the fun and help this GREAT CAUSE! Vendors will be set up for shopping before and after the auction. Paddles up at 11:00 am. Lots of gift cards and items to bid on! Don't miss out; come and join the fun!
SHS Building Trades attended the Air National Guard Job Fair today in St Joseph. They toured the base and learned of the career and college programs they offer. They even took Ms. Crawford on a C-130 aircraft! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
SMS students reached out to their teachers with an interest in starting a Chess Club. They met for the first time last week and had a great time! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Don't forget, there's no school tomorrow, and we have teacher meetings on Monday! See you back on Tuesday, April 11th.
Our Early Learning Center students are ready for spring! They are working with letter sounds and letter recognition while feeding bunnies and searching for eggs. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Sometimes it's more fun to math outside of your chair-- just ask these 1st graders! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
We started a new Community Wide Newsletter! Here's the online edition in case we missed your mailbox:
Polls are open today from 6 am to 7 pm -- Don't miss your chance to vote for THREE school board members! Not sure who's running? Check out the March Parent Newsletter here: #WeAreSR3
Polls are open tomorrow from 6 am to 7 pm -- Don't miss your chance to vote for THREE school board members! Not sure who's running? Check out the March Parent Newsletter here: #WeAreSR3
What's the best way to start a Monday morning? With a little stretching, of course! Our pre-K students LOVE to exercise. It helps get their jitters out and gets their brains ready to focus. How do you like to start your week? #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Our SHS counselors are spending time in classrooms helping students decide on a schedule for next year. What was your favorite High School course?
Do you remember how to solve inequalities? Mrs. Lavo's Middle Schoolers do! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
These kids are just as excited about the new NCMC Savannah Campus as we are! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
It's Kindergarten Round Up Night! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
These are the faces of our future.🤩 These students worked hard to create their own resumes before attending the NW Missouri job fair on Tuesday, where over 30 employers were taking resumes for jobs right out of high school. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Do you have a child who will be 5 before August 1st? Are you planning to enroll your child in Kindergarten? Join us next week for Kindergarten Round Up! See our website for more information.