SHS Locker Clean Out Information: Don't forget those sweaty gym shorts.
All items donated will benefit the SHS and SMS Campus Cupboards and the Andrew County Ministries Food Pantry!
Nothing but love for the Leaders of our Tribe! #Savannahr3 #SavageNation #PrincipalsDay
It's School Lunch Hero Day! Let's show these ladies some love for the hard work they put in day in and day out to feed our kids. Drop them a comment below so they know you care #LunchLadyTribe #SR3 #VirtualTribe
Wondering about Kindergarten Screening? They have been rescheduled for August. Call to schedule yours now!
PreSchool Screenings have been rescheduled for July 27th and 28th. Make your appointment today! #PreK #EarlyLearningCenter #SavannahR3 #FutureTribe
What did you do to celebrate Earth Day? Send us a picture to be featured.#SavageShoutOut to Mrs. Bush for these great submissions! #EarthDay #SavannahR3 #VirtualTribe
Due to roof repairs at Savannah High School, Grab & Go Meals will not be offered at SHS after April 30th. Lunches will be available at all sites through this week. The change will take effect on Monday, May 4th.
SR3 would like to thank the following people/business for donating plastic bags: Brother's Market, Cardinal Country Bakery Savannah, Savannah Pizza Hut, Maryville Dollar General, Jennifer Martin & Little Caesars, Coleen Gilbert, & the Amazonia & Minnie Cline PTO #TribePride #SR3
Don't forget to watch the district virtual Q & A tonight at 6 pm. Watch on the district Facebook page, Savannah R3 website, or follow this link to watch on YouTube
Will my kids be held back? What about my daughter's GPA? My son forgot all the things in his locker, how can I get them? Join Savannah R3 District Administration on Facebook this Friday at 6 PM as we address as many of your questions and concerns as we can. #SavageNation
Join us Friday evening for a video update from District Administration regarding Governor Parson's order to close schools and what that means for Savannah R3.
Check out this slide show of Savannah R3 Staff! #SR3 #VirtualTribe #WeMissYOU
NAME: Alexandria Iles
ROLE AT SR3: Choir Director at SHS
HOW ARE YOU STAYING CONNECTED? Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Tik Tok, Zoom, Canvas, Google Drive, Email, Texting, and Calling!
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? Even though we find ourselves in a stressful situation take this time to connect with others and improve your social, emotional, physical, and mental health. Music is a great outlet to express emotions!
#SavageNation #SR3
NAME: Annie Maier
ROLE AT SR3:Title Reading Teacher @ MC
HOW ARE YOU STAYING CONNECTED? I love dropping in classroom Zoom meetings to say hello to all the students. I've been working with reading teachers from all the schools through email and Zoom. We enjoy coming up with extra activities for our students!
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? My daughter Loren and I have been enjoying the sunshine. We both miss all of our school friends!
#SavageNation #SR3
NAME: Cheryl Campbell
ROLE AT SR3: 4th gr ELA/SS at MC
HOW ARE YOU STAYING CONNECTED? Text messages, emails, Facebook, and Zoom for my family, work family, and friends. Class dojo and emails with my students and parents.
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? While this situation is very unusual, make the best of it! Try to learn something new if you can! I'm working on learning how to make facemasks :) I love and miss you all and I cannot wait to be back in those hallways to see those smiling faces!!
#SavageNation #SR3
NAME: Sheri Roster
ROLE AT SR3: 6th gr LA @ SMS
HOW ARE YOU STAYING CONNECTED? I talk to my friends and family on the phone a LOT. I've enjoyed learning how to do virtual meetings with all my teams from school (We've laughed a lot) I've been doing puzzles at home with my grownup kids and playing board games with them. My favorite connection has been hearing from my school kids on our Canvas discussion tell each other about the books they are reading. It makes my heart happy to hear them share about reading!!
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? I really miss my school kids and work family. I can't wait to see them in person again. Oh, and I probably should stock up on some stretchy pants to wear when we return to school ... the amount of cooking I have done while at home is insane!!!
#SavageNation #SR3
NAME: Kelly Jenkins
ROLE AT SR3: 5th gr ELA/SS @ MC
HOW ARE YOU STAYING CONNECTED? email, text, Zoom, Facebook, and FaceTime
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? Use this extra time to have some great family time. You can also use this time to learn something new and you can ALWAYS read!
#SavageNation #SR3
NAME: Shelly Glauser
ROLE AT SR3: 4th gr ELA @ MC
HOW ARE YOU STAYING CONNECTED? Zoom meetings, texting, phone calls, and e-mails
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? While I miss my students and friends, I've enjoyed how this time has forced my family to slow down and spend more quality time together.
#SavageNation #SR3
NAME: Mikaela Sons
ROLE AT SR3:Vocal Music Teacher at JG & HE
HOW ARE YOU STAYING CONNECTED? Text, Email, and Facetime
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? I had my baby on January 29th, so it's been a REALLY long time since I've seen my students, so I hope they are doing well, staying safe and finding ways to make music at home! Miss you all very very much!!
#SavageNation #SR3