🫣 WE GOOFED!! 🙊 The Official 2023-24 Attendance Calendar and the Student Calendar Highlights don't match up! Please triple-check your calendars.
-Thursday, December 21st: Full Day of School / Last Day of 1st Semester / Normal Dismissal Times.
-December 22nd through Tuesday, January 9th: No School / Winter Break
-January 8th: Staff Return
-January 10th: Full Day of School/ First Day of 2nd Semester / Normal Dismissal Times
These Helena Student Council kiddos are learning about the importance of giving back during the holiday season. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
7th Grade students have spent a lot of this semester learning about different forms of government. As a fun review, we spent time showing different forms of government with gummy bears! Students had to build a scene with the gummy bears for the different types and describe the type of government on display. The kids had so much fun creating these and got to enjoy a sweet treat.
Help us congratulate these rock stars on being selected to participate in the All-District Band. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
The Helena 2nd Graders have been working hard on their annual Holiday book. We❤️this tradition! What Holiday traditions do you remember from your elementary school days?? #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family PS. See our website for more pictures!
This is what it looks like to be 'all in for your students.' When these science students filled their reward jar in October, SMS Principal Mrs. Hays came roaring in to help them celebrate. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
These middle school custodians are always finding ways to make us smile. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Ms. Crider's 3rd Graders are researching Christmas in different countries around the world so they can compare and contrast with American traditions. Every day, the students learn about a new continent or country! Wonder which one will be their favorite? #WeAreSR3
One of the first things we learn to write as a young child is our name. Why should learning Cuneiform be any different?? Check out what our 6th graders made in social studies! Can anyone translate?!?! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Classes have been cancelled today (12.7.23) for Minnie Cline Elementary and The Early Learning Center ONLY due to power outages. All other SR3 campuses WILL be in session. The District office will opened as soon as power has been restored.
The time has finally come. Join us tomorrow night for the annual Mr. SHS contest presented by FCCLA! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
The SHS Black and Gold Chorale prepped for their December Concert by meeting with composer Dr. Jacob Narverud. Not only were the students able to gain insight into the music they will be performing, they learned more about life as a full time arranger and composer. #WeAreSR3
Join our team! We have immediate openings for custodial staff, food service, and district maintenance. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
These cool temps have us missing the warmer, sunny weather😎 This August, as high schoolers returned to campus, Ms. Brooner used a "Speed Dating" type activity to help the students get out nerves and get to know one another. One of our favorite student responses was, "Wow! This was actually fun. I have never talked to him before, and I learned a lot about him!" #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Help support the Amazonia PTO
At the end of their Mesopotamia Unit, our 6th graders were challenged to create their own City-State that they could present to the class.
This time next week, you could be having an adult conversation while your kids hang out with super cool high schoolers! Registration ends tonight so sign-up to support the FCCLA today! bit.ly/SHS12-9-23 #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
Haven't had a chance to register for Polar Express Night? Don't worry, the deadline has been extended thru December 3rd. Go now ... we'll keep the hot cocoa warm. ☕️ Proceeds from this event will support the High School FCCLA program. #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family Register Here - https://bit.ly/SHS12-9-23
Last month, 2nd graders were learning about Earth's processes, including slow and fast changes to Earth's surface. In this activity, they created a model of a landslide. They used their water bottles to simulate a heavy rain that might wash the land away. If you know any second graders, ask them about erosion! #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family
A day in the world of PreK is NEVER dull! The SR3 Learning Center believes children learn just as much through "typical" letter recognition and scissor practice as they do through PLAY! Did you know playing with play-dough helps strengthen the same muscles used for holding a pencil or cutting with scissors? #WeAreSR3 #SR3Family