We realize it's no homecoming parade but grab some popcorn and your favorite snacks and enjoy this recap of Homecoming Week across the district. And don't forget to watch the live stream of tonight's game on the SHS Facebook Page! https://youtu.be/xhcYaipf1Og
Don't forget that all SR3 Schools will be releasing 2 hours early today!
Elementary will dismiss at 12:40, SHS will dismiss at 12:48 and SMS will dismiss at 1:05. Remember there will only be after school care offered at Minnie Cline. #SR3Hoco2020
Just a few homecoming reminders! #SR3BetterTogether #SR3Hoco2020
#SavageShoutOut to our Food Service Director Kathi Snyder for manning the SHS kitchen with little to no crew while so many staffers are being quarantined. Thank you to our HS student body for understanding the need for sack lunches. School lunch should resume as normal next week. #SR3BetterTogether #SavageShoutOut #LunchLadyTribe
Some say unfair advantage... We say Totally Winning Twin Day! #SR3BetterTogether #SR3Hoco2020
@SavageShoutOut to @KFC on the North Belt for providing a full chicken dinner for our HS staff today. #SR3BetterTogether @FingerLickinGood #TheyWorkHardForTheMoney
It’s beginning to look a lot like ... Homecoming!! #SR3BetterTogether #sR3Hoco2020 Art Club Sneak Peek
Savannah High School FCCLA competed at their national STAR Event competition in a virtual format this summer. Khia Haley and Madi Kessler received a gold medal for their Focus on Children project. Kavan Slagle (not pictured) received silver for his Career Investigation project.
Feel Good Friday: Change can be hard, but it can also be exciting! Minnie Cline Kindergarteners are learning about change while also watching the life cycle of a butterfly take place. #SR3FeelGoodFriday #SR3TribePride
Check our website for information about Homecoming 2020 www.savannahr3.com #SR3HOCO2020 #BetterTogether
UPDATE! There has been a change to the VIRTUAL STUDENT SCHOOL PICTURE DAY schedule. Minnie Cline students will be photographed from 11 to 12. Can't wait to see you on Wednesday.
#SavageShoutOut to @AndrewCountyHealthDepartment for hosting a virtual round table with local health care professionals, community members, parents, & school officials to discuss COVID's impact on our schools & students. Thanks for what you do to keep us healthy.
Feel Good Friday FRI-YAY Celebration with SHS. This past Friday, our counseling helpers made glitter jars to celebrate making it another week and to use as a coping skill to add to their toolbox of mental health skills! We love celebrating with them each week!
Calling all virtual students! School pictures will be taken at the district office on Wednesday, September 23rd.
Did someone say Free Lunch? Yes! Starting Monday, September 14th SR3 students will be provided breakfast and lunch free of charge thanks to the USDA. See our website for more information. https://www.savannahr3.com/article/305606?org=savannah-r3
Remember, there's no school Monday. Enjoy the long weekend! We can't wait to see you on Tuesday the 8th.
Feel Good Friday -- SHS Art students decorated the sidewalk in front of the main entrance this week. Way to use your powers for good!! #SR3FeelGoodFriday #SR3TribePride
SR3 has several immediate openings! Apply today: https://savannah.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx?outvou=2&height=
Picking up your kiddo from SMS? Keep an eye out for the traffic helpers! #SR3 #SMS
Several bus routes have been altered to accommodate new riders. Visit the SR3 website to review the updated routes: https://5il.co/d0vf. Changes to bus routes the first weeks of school are to be expected. Please be patient with our drivers as they work to adjust seating charts on the bus, this may have an impact on pick up and drop off times this week.