Just a reminder that SMS and SHS students will need to wear a mask to and from school, passing in hallways, and in classrooms where social distancing is not possible. K-5 students only need a mask for entering and exiting the building, on the bus, and during SACC.
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Stop.  Face coverings are required to enter this building.
To all the stands of Savage Fans ~ Just a reminder that all Savage Athletic events will follow the MEC guidelines. This means immediate family only at all games. Read the full list of guidelines here:https://www.savannahr3.com/o/savannah-r3/page/2020-sr3-return-to-learn
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Savage Athletics
Tomorrow is the day for virtual learners to check out materials and equipment for the fall. Check our website for more information. https://www.savannahr3.com/o/savannah-r3/page/2020-sr3-return-to-learn #SR3Return2Learn
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Virtual Learning
Bus Routes have been posted! If you have an questions regarding routes, or buses please reach out to Durham Bus Company 816-324-1400. https://5il.co/d0vf #Sr3Return2Learn
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Kids on a school bus
Virtual Back to School night information will be released at 5:00 tonight and it will be available for you to review at YOUR convenience. #SR3Return2Learn
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
wooden figure watching an hour glass
Missed the deadline for bus registration? You can still fill out a form but your student will not receive bus services until September 8th.
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
School Bus
All district families are invited to Join us LIVE on the district Facebook page or in person at SHS for a Return to Learn Community meeting at 6:00 tomorrow night. Questions on the live feed will be answered to keep the meeting interactive. #SR3Return2Learn
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
August 3rd Community Meeting Reminder
Educational Enrollment Forms are due for every SR3 student by Friday, July 31st. If a student has not filled out an educational enrollment form by July 31st they will be automatically enrolled in in-person learning. #SR3ReturntoLearn https://forms.gle/PQpmu3PVuJoFp2ir7
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Return to Learn
The SR3 Virtual Handbook is available NOW on our website, and in your email. #SR3Return2Learn https://5il.co/isyf
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
SR3 Virtual Learning
Join us LIVE on the district Facebook page or in person at SMS for a Return to Learn Community meeting at 6:00 tomorrow night. Questions on the live feed will be answered to keep the meeting interactive. #SR3Return2Learn
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
SR3 Return to Learn Community Meeting flyer.
We know many families are still weighing their options for in-person or virtual learning paths this fall. While there are still many logistics to work out, we would like to shed a little more light on our virtual learning path. SR3 virtual learning will be a mix of live teacher interaction with students and independent work. Virtual learning students should prepare to spend the same amount of time on their virtual learning that they would in a classroom. While independent work can be completed on your own time, any interaction or live instruction from our district staff will have to be done during the normal school hours. All virtual work will be monitored by SR3 teaching staff. A virtual learning handbook is in progress and will be available Tuesday afternoon.
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Virtual Learning
To help reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19, all Back to School Nights and Registration will be VIRTUAL for the 2020-21 school year. Please be patient as we work out the specifics, more information will follow from your building administration. #SR3Return2Learn #SavannahR3
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Virtual Back to School Night gif
Just a reminder that tonight's Board of Education meeting has been moved to the Savannah High School gym at 7pm. We ask everyone who attends tonight to follow social distancing guidelines. Masks are highly encouraged and anyone feeling ill is asked not to attend.
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Reminder, finger with string tied on it
Stay safe, healthy, and free. Enjoy your independence day and take a moment to thank those who fought to make it that way.
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Happy fourth of July!
K-8 Summer School Starts Monday! Are you ready?
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Summer School check list
Our Early Childhood Learning Center is looking for an early childhood special education teacher. Qualified candidates can apply here: https://savannah.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx?outvou=2&height=
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
PreSchool teachers wanted.  apply at www.savannahr3.com
Have you seen the updated 2020 Graduation Guidelines? Each senior is now allowed 6 guests and the ceremony will be live streamed here on the district fb page for the entire Savage Nation to enjoy. #SavannahR3 #SHSClassof2020
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Updated Graduation Expectations
Don't miss your chance to sign up for Summer School! Enrollment ends TOMORROW so register today! https://forms.gle/F19Tii5NdaHzVwbC9
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Enroll in Summer School Today
No Hunger Summer Lunches begin this week!
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
No Hunger Summer Meal Distribution for more information call 324-3144
Don't miss your chance to sign up for Summer School! Enrollment ends on the 12th. Register today! https://forms.gle/F19Tii5NdaHzVwbC9
over 4 years ago, Savannah R3
Summer School Enrollment is open now!